Wake to the Music

The music of the sixties awakened parents to the minds of their children during the chaos of the time. They heard their children sing about the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, Peace, and Love. The young people of the sixties were tuned in. They knew what was “Going Down”.

Teach Your Children by Graham Nash

They knew that “The Times, They Are A Changing”. They knew that “The Answers Are Blowing In The Wind”. They were experiencing war and unrest, and they knew that their parents had also experienced a terrible war. The war their fathers fought had ended. “Their father’s hell did slowly go by”.

I fear that the young people of today are NOT tuned in. They do not listen to the news about the war we are now waging, against COVID-19. They think this is their father’s hell, not theirs. The sacrifices of Social Distancing and the guidelines of the virus task force do not apply to them. We need to listen to an old song, and heed its advice. “Teach Your Children”, written by Graham Nash.