Memory Is A Net

“Memory is a net.” Indeed, and mine is full. It’s heavy with clam shells from Adirondack lakes, seaweed from Pennsylvania ponds, and shark teeth gathered at Surf City. It contains fish hooks from country farm ponds, rocks from the river Delaware, even confusion as foggy as etched sea glass, and regret heavy as anchors. Tangled within my net is the siren’s song, calling me off the course. But like a child with his sand bucket full of seaside treasures, I eagerly crawl out of the waves, dragging decades of my life to the shore to assess the bounty.

There, in the sunlight, the collection is gorgeous. The treasures, the trash, the gems, the junk – it is life – and I realize that we must celebrate the shimmering beauty of the gleeful moments, lift them to the sun to sparkle again, hold them to our ears to enjoy the echo. We must wipe away the grit from the rubbish, polish the fish hooks to reveal the gold – make their shine more commendable than their viscous barbs.

That’s my goal for this journey we are taking with Relatively Random. I’m spilling my net with the intent to celebrate and commemorate moments that connect our lives – mine and yours. So, while we are navigating the course, we invite you to pull up your net. See what’s there. Relive and reimagine.